Hey :) I am a PhD student at MIT CSAIL advised by David Sontag and an EWSC PhD fellow at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard.


Scalable Universal T-cell receptor embeddings from Adaptive Immune Repertoires
P. Chapfuwa, ID*, L. Pisani, J. Zazo, E. Portugaly, J. Zahid, J. Greissl
ICLR, 2025, [paper]
*Work done during a summer internship at Microsoft Research.

Prediction-powered Generalization of Causal Inferences
ID, A. Alaa, A. Philippakis, D. Sontag
ICML, 2024, [paper]

Benchmarking Observational Studies with Experimental Data under Right-Censoring
ID, E.D. Brouwer, Z. Hussain, M. Oberst, A. Philippakis, D. Sontag
AISTATS, 2024, [paper]

Falsification of Internal and External Validity in Observational Studies via Conditional Moment Restrictions
Z. Hussain*, M.C. Shih*, M. Oberst, ID, D. Sontag
AISTATS, 2023, *equal contribution, [paper]

ESCADA: Efficient Safety and Context Aware Dose Allocation for Precision Medicine
ID, A.A. Celik, C. Tekin
NeurIPS, 2022, [paper]

Combinatorial Gaussian Process Bandits with Probabilistically Triggered Arms
ID, C. Tekin
AISTATS, 2021, [paper]

Accuracy limits of distance estimation in visible light systems with RGB LEDs
ID, S. Gezici
IEEE PIMRC, 2019, [paper]


Distance and Position Estimation in Visible Light Systems with RGB LEDs
ID, S. Gezici
Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier, 2022, [paper]


Federated Multi-Armed Bandits Under Byzantine Attacks
ID*, Y. Yildirim*, C. Tekin
arXiv, 2022, *equal contribution, [paper]